Cerebral palsy is a terrible disorder that can cause life-long disability to your child. In some instances, nothing can be done to prevent this terrible injury. However, many cases of cerebral palsy are the direct result of a healthcare professional's wrongdoing or negligence.
At The Donnelly Law Firm, our New Jersey cerebral palsy lawyers have more than 50 years of combined experience handling complex birth injury claims. We know what to look for when investigating cerebral palsy claims, including signs that your doctor failed to uphold the standard duty of care. Our legal team is passionate about securing the justice you and your family are owed.
For a free, confidential case evaluation with our experienced New Jersey cerebral palsy lawyers, call our Summit, NJ office at (800) 398-1866 or contact us online today.
What Is Cerebral Palsy?
Cerebral palsy is a non-progressing condition that affects motor function and muscle coordination. It is brain damage, often caused by a lack of oxygen, which can occur during pregnancy, labor, or delivery.
Your child’s medical records may refer to this injury in the more complicated medical term hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy which means brain damage due to oxygen deprivation at birth.
What Are the Symptoms of Cerebral Palsy?
Cerebral palsy affects the part of the brain that controls motor function and can present in the following symptoms:
- Lack of balance and muscle coordination
- Tremors or involuntary movements
- Excessive drooling or problems with swallowing
- Difficulty with sucking or eating
- Delays in speech development or difficulty speaking
- Learning difficulties
Cerebral palsy can affect your baby's entire body or only one side of the body and may not be immediately apparent but will show up as the baby ages from infancy into preschool years. If you notice any of these symptoms or other developmental delays, your child may be suffering from cerebral palsy.
Cerebral Palsy Caused By Delivery Room Error
If your child was diagnosed with cerebral palsy after a difficult labor or delivery, it is possible that a doctor or nurse’s failure to properly respond to fetal distress is to blame.
The following acts of negligence can result in cerebral palsy:
- Improperly monitoring your baby’s oxygen levels
- Failing to order an emergency C-section
- Failing to uphold the standard duty of care
Reach out to our cerebral palsy lawyer in New Jersey as soon as possible. We can help you seek justice and the fair compensation you need to properly care for your child.
Cerebral Palsy Caused By Misdiagnosis
Birth trauma isn't the only thing that can cause cerebral palsy in newborns. Certain infections in the mother while pregnant or in the newborn can greatly increase the risk of cerebral palsy in newborns.
If your doctor misdiagnosed or failed to treat any of the following infections, it may have caused your baby's cerebral palsy:
- Cytomegalovirus
- Chickenpox
- Rubella
- Toxoplasmosis
- Herpes simplex virus
Damages You Can Recover to Improve Your Child's Quality of Life
If your child has been diagnosed with cerebral palsy, it does not mean that he or she cannot —or does not deserve—to live a full, happy life. That being said, the total lifetime cost of caring for someone with cerebral palsy can be immense.
Your child will likely require a great deal of medical treatment and specialized equipment, and you may need to rearrange your own life to provide for your child.
Over $140,000,000 Won For Our CLients
$14 Million
Dennis M. Donnelly, represented a family in this wrongful birth action.
$2.25 Million
Senior Partner, Dennis Donnelly, won a 2.25 million dollar verdict on behalf of a year old boy born with Erb's Palsy. The plaintiff's mother was a 35 year old woman who had two prior miscarriages and became pregnant late in 1997 by in vitro fertilization.
$4.5 Million
Dennis Donnelly settled a case involving complex issues of medical malpractice during a forceps delivery.