What Insurance Companies Will Not Tell You Regarding Your Right To Fair Compensation!

person looking at paperwork

woman slipped and fell

When negligence causes your injury, the company that insures the property, vehicle, and/or equipment main objective is to quickly settle the matter and close the file. The insurance company will never provide an injured party with an accurate or even fair compensation for medical expenses, replacement of lost property, and pain/suffering. Insurance Companies are multi-billion-dollar businesses and these entities thrive on collecting premiums, denying claims, and paying as little as possible to injured parties. Before you agree to a settlement with an insurance company it is imperative that you speak with an attorney immediately. There are strict time limits for filing a suit after an incident and insurance companies are not obligated to advise you of these deadlines. Remember YOU have a right to sue due to negligence. You also have a right to be treated by your own medical providers. Many insurance companies will insist that you only treat with the physicians they provide. Do not be fooled by this manipulating practice. Although you may be asked to visit their physicians to track your recovery, it is your choice which medical providers assist in helping you heal.

Don’t allow an insurance company to steal your right to the justice you deserve. Please speak with an attorney before signing away your right to fair compensation!
